Philip Romero, MD
Dr. Romero’s educational background is both extensive and
impressive. He began his medical education at the University of Texas
Medical Branch. Following this, he spent three months at the Tibetan
Medical Center in Dharamsala, India, where he met with the Dalai
Lama and received further training from Thrangu Rinpoche in
Kathmandu, Nepal. He completed his residency in Psychiatry at St.
Vincent’s Hospital in New York. After his training in a Child Psychiatry
Fellowship at New York Presbyterian Hospital – Cornell Medical
College, he served as Assistant Professor for 25 years, training young
doctors. His academic and practical experiences have significantly
shaped his approach to treatment and care in his private practice.
Phillip Romero MD has been in private psychiatric practice for 35
years. His approach integrates ancient Buddhist mindfulness practice
with modern biopsychosocial neuroscience with a focus on stress
regulation. He developed Logosoma Theory (Body-Life Story
integration) in 1985 for rewiring the Sense of Self. He developed
Creative Intelligence Training to recruit the brain’s neuroplasticity.
Recent advances with Ketamine psychedelic treatment augment the
brain’s neuroplasticity to overcome toxic stress, enhance empathy,
and unlock creative potential. In his practice, Dr. Romero uses brain-
based diagnostic tools, stress inventories, family dynamics
assessments, and treatment planning to address various emotional
and mental challenges faced by his clients.
Phillip Romero, MD